Why is physical therapy a good choice?

More than half of all Americans are suffering from pain. Whether you are having a recent episode of pain, or you have had chronic pain for years physical therapist are equipped to treat your pain and help you determine why your having pain. 

Physical therapist are experts at treating movement and neuro-musculoskeletal disorders. Pain often accompanies a movement disorder, and physical therapists can help correct the disorder and relieve the pain. 

What do physical therapist do? 

Many people are familiar with physical therapists’ work helping patients with back pain or knee surgeries to reduce their pain or regain their function. Others might know a family member who has worked with a physical therapist who helped them recover from a stroke. 

Physical therapists are experts trained in movement and function.  A large part of working with a physical therapist is working with clients to prevent injury, restore loss of movement, reduce pain levels, and help them regain their function following a surgery. Physical therapist also help people who are finding that their balance is getting worse and they might even be having frequent falls. They can teach you exercise programs to improve balance and strengthen your legs.  Physical therapist also work as consultants in industry settings to reduce the number of injuries that may take place in work settings or help rehab someone who got injured at work. They also work with athletes at all levels to screen for potential problems and develop exercise programs to help them perform efficiently. 

Is your physical therapist licensed?

Yes, our Physical Therapist are licensed and possess other advanced certifications as well. At Advance Physical Therapy we work in a team model. All the team you work with are Licensed Physical Therapist or Licensed Physical Therapist Assistants. 

How many visits will I need?

This depends on your diagnosis, the severity of your injury, your past medical history, etc.  Our goal at Advance Physical Therapy is to teach you to be your “best therapist” as quickly as possible. At your first visit we will give you advice and exercises that you can work on at home to correct your issue. Dependent on your condition you may need one visit or you may need many months of care. We work closely with your doctor and you to determine the best plan for you. 

How long will each appointment last?

Our visits are approximately 60 min of one-on-one time with a licensed physical therapist. 

How does the billing process work?

At the time of your visit your health insurance will be billed for that visit for the services performed. Our charges are based off the approved “Medicare Fee Schedule”.  We are contracted with most health insurance companies including in-state and out of state Workman’s Comp and auto insurance. Co-payment is required to be paid at each visit. Please check with your insurance carrier to verify your specific plan coverage for outpatient physical therapy services.  Cash pay options are available as well. 

How should I dress? 

You should wear loose fitting clothing so that we can expose the area that we will be working. We also have shorts and tank tops you can borrow for treatments. If you are coming for aquatic therapy, bring a swimsuit or equivalent clothing and a towel. 

Where is Advance PT located?

Our clinic is located upstairs inside of the Litehouse YMCA in Sandpoint. When you arrive for your appointment, you check in with the YMCA front desk then come up the stairs to our office. 

What if I can’t come up the stairs to the PT office? 

If you are unable to come up the stairs have the staff at the front desk call up to us and we will meet you downstairs in our fully equipped physical therapy room. 

Call one of our therapists to discuss your treatment options.  